Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rosie: $1000 to Liddy Dole 4 Prez,
$0 For Gay Marriage

Damn, have you checked out Rosie O'Donnell's FEC files lately? Not only is she big-boned, to go along with her big mouth, but she has a big bank account to help politicians and causes she believes in. (Does former HRC head Elizabeth Birch still run Rosie's businesses and foundation?)

Since 1998 the out lesbian comedic actress and TV personality has contributed a total of $178,600 to federal pols and PACS. Sweet chunk of candy to be doling out, huh?

Rosie gave $143,700 to Democrats, $33,900 to PACs, including HRC and Emily's List, and way back in 1999 she donated $1,000 to GOP presidential hopeful Elizabeth Dole. Nice to know our Rosie is so bi-partisan.

But this year, as in 2000 when CA fags and dykes faced the Knight Initiatiave, alias Prop 22, that set-back gay marriage equality, Rosie can't cough up a contribution to defeat Prop 8.

As it stands today, Rosie has given more to a nasty GOP candidate than she has to an initiative of keen importance to her, her partner and family, and millions of her fans.

Something for gay married couples to think about on November 5 as they plan their honeymoon cruises or book travel through Rosie's agency, R Family Vacations.

Click here to view her FEC page for the Dole donation. Go here to read her full list of donations.

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